Home Schooling Guidebook

Home Schooling Guidebook

Article by Alex

Homeschooling is not a new concept – Thomas Edison, Agatha Christie, Benjamin Franklin, and our Founding Fathers were educated at home. Yet today it’s even better! With our computers and technically advanced equipment, homeschooling offers students a far more creative and stimulating way to learn.Yet, the decision to homeschool your children can often be difficult.Although studies prove that the benefits of homeschooling far outweigh those of our private and public schools, only after pulling together information that paints a complete picture can you decide if homeschooling is right for you.And just as most parents (after progressing from diapers to the potty) we were faced with an important decision about our boys’ education.We have always felt strongly about having a good education. We wanted to instill a passion for learning into our children, and encourage them to continually push for excellence.So a few years ago, when our eldest son was close to schooling age, we decided to explore a variety of educational options.And, the fact that homeschooled children were more advanced than public and privately schooled children, really impressed us.But at the same time, finding the information and resources to accurately determine if homeschooling was the right option for us – was like pulling teeth.We went to forums. We read articles. We spent hours upon hours searching through websites only finding tidbits of information.Grab A Copy Click hereAnd unfortunately it didn’t take long to realize that if any information was available, it must have been deeply buried in cyberspace.Furthermore, once we did find some of the answers, we typically ended up with more questions.To be honest, in the end, we decided to wait until our youngest was a little older, before we started our homeschool program.But nonetheless, the point is… unless we had invested all that time doing the research our decision might have been quite different. We could have started homeschooling long before we were ready, and invested a lot of time and money into it, only to regret our decision.In fact, we heard many stories from families that hadn’t found the right information, yet invested the time and money into homeschooling and ended up making (what they felt) was a big mistake.Sadly, we found that the lack of help and knowledge available was stifling people’s passion for homeschooling. They were feeling tired and frustrated; and most people just gave up before they could make an educated decision.So my wife and I decided that we should share what we had learned with others and help people find the homeschooling answers that they were looking for.We shared our knowledge about homeschooling on forums and chat lines, and before we knew it we were receiving emails from people all over the country,Grab A Copy Click here asking us what information we had uncovered.That’s why we wanted to put everything we had learned, into a single and comprehensive guide; a guide that would help other families to determine if homeschooling was right for them.

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Home Schooling Guidebook

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