Home Schooling Is It For You?

Home Schooling Is It For You?

Article by Kenneth Watkins

Home schooling in recent years has been something that more and more parents are actually seeking out as an alternative to public and private schools. Is this a real good idea though and what does it really entail. First let’s look at some of the reasons parents are looking towards home schooling over the traditional schooling methods.

One of the main reasons is the perception that their kids are getting the kind of education they had hoped for them. Now this many times is what they perceive which doesn’t always mean it’s true. Secondly many parents just don’t have the time to run kids back and forth to school so home schooling keeps them at home and makes life easier so they hope. Third is public schools are perceived as a place where very little learning takes place and more bullying and intimidation of other students is what is going on. No matter what the reality is home schooling has really grown and will continue to grow.

Home schooling can take many different forms, but for most it’s usually being in front of a computer four or five hours a day learning the same things that they would learn in a school day. It’s true you will have less time, but it doesn’t mean it’s any easier. States vary and how they administer home schooling so you will have to check into it and see what is required. Some states require you have a teaching degree while others don’t. It varies widely. One of the biggest things that home schooling doesn’t give you is interaction with people your own age. This can be crucial in the growing up process and learning to get along with others.

People and kids think home schooling is a piece of cake and in reality it can be actually tougher than regular school so this is something you may want to think long and hard about. Many home schooled students have done well in college and many haven’t. Most of the time it comes down to the student if they want to learn or not. With home schooling though the parents are held to a much higher standard as they are directly responsible for their childs education. This is something that you should think about long and hard before deciding if home schooling is for you and your child.

About the Author

For more information about helping your child with home scholling go to: http://www.clickaudit.com/goto/?89194

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